Sergey Mavrodi is a
founder and leader of the MMM Social Financial Community. MMM is sure to be his
life-work, but not the only one. Sergei Mavrodi, having a degree in
mathematics, worked as a programmer and took part in the development of the
first operating systems. The company he founded was one of leading computer
equipment distributors in Russia. He was a Deputy of the Russian Parliament.
His literary works were published and they are sold in book stores. Two of his
screenplays were made into movies. His poems were turned into songs.
Sergey was born in 1955,
in Moscow in a simple Soviet “middle class” family – of a worker and an
economist. From his father, of Ukrainian and Greek origin, was left a memorable
surname – Mavrodi. Since high school the young man showed great talent in the
exact sciences was the winner of numerous physical and mathematical Olympiads,
sometimes even led lessons on behalf of his teachers.
After school he entered
the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering at the Department of Applied
Mathematics, from which he graduated in 1978 with the specialization
“artificial intelligence”.
Whilst in the Institute
he got interested in Sambo (Russian martial art) and having a weight of 60kg
became the champion in Moscow in the Open category. However, this was the end
of the professional sports career as further growth demanded too much time.
Upon graduation Mavrodi
worked for some time as a programmer, but then he resigned and started a simple
business – trade of the audio and video recordings.
In 1989 Mavrodi founded
the corporative society “MMM”, based on which then he created a few dozen of
other commercial structures. The corporative society, in particular, was
engaged in computer supplying, which were only at their starting point of
accessing the market’s daily turnover. In 1992, the brand became universally
recognizable after Mavrodi offered, several times, to all the residents of
Moscow a day of free of charge travel in Metro (Moscow subway).
Since February 1994, the
joint-stock company "MMM" began to issue tickets and sell them
through an extensive chain of offices throughout the country. In MMM offices
people were able to buy tickets and sell already bought tickets. The price which
MMM bought and sold tickets for grew two times per month. It means that anyone,
who had bought MMM tickets, could sell the MMM in a month for the double price
and make a profit. MMM commercials were regularly on central TV channels. It
caused a public excitement in the society. These tickets were not securities.
There were no promises that the prices of the tickets MMM would be doubled
during a month. Therefore, MMM actions were hardly a classic Ponzi scheme.
Sergei Mavrodi didn’t deceive anybody and did not say that money was invested
in high-yield business projects.
Sergei Mavrodi planned
to spend the money, accumulated in MMM, on purchasing companies to be
privatized. And then he wanted to distribute these companies ' shares among MMM
tickets holders. Then in Russia, shareholders would not have been a handful of
super-rich oligarchs, but dozens of ordinary citizens.
Mavrodi explained his
motivation: “In Russia there was a ‘privatization’. And if we call a
spade a spade – a total deception and robbery of defenseless population who
doesn’t understand anything.” But MMM lasted only six months – a period during
which the number of participants reached, according to various estimates, 10-15
million, the total amount of deposits – a third of the national budget, the
price of shares, designated on a “discretionary decision” at the rate of 100%
per month, increased 127 times. In the summer of 1994, the government stopped
the work of the joint stock company "MMM". Those, who had MMM
tickets, couldn't sell them back to MMM. Sergei Mavrodi was charged with tax
evasion. He was arrested afterwards.
Why didn’t the police
prohibit selling and buying MMM tickets MMM at the beginning? Why had they been
waiting for six months? Probably, the police realized that they had no reason
to interfere. From a legal point of view, it was impossible to claim MMM:
people simply bought and sold MMM tickets, they were not investments. But then
six months later, when over 10 million Russians had become ticket holders, the
state regarded MMM as a serious competitor and decided to destroy it at any
cost. And the state had not even considered what dire consequences those who
had bought MMM tickets would suffer from. “The system did not collapse at all.
It was artificially destroyed at the peak of its development,” said Mavrodi.
During police probe the witnesses told about 17 trucks in which, secret service
forces had taken cash from MMM’s office.
Member of Parliament
In the prison Mavrodi
started collecting signatures for registering as a candidate for the State Duma
(Parliament) of the Russian Federation. After two months was signed in and
released. Thanks to the high rating, on October 30, 1994 he was elected and
became a Member of Parliament. During his election campaign Mavrodi did not
keep as a secret that he goes to State Duma solely for the sake of the
parliamentary immunity, and since elected as a deputy, was not present at any
of its meetings. Mavrodi also refused to get a salary and use all benefits
provided to the deputies.
The state needed a
pretext for expelling Mavrodi from the State Duma. He was charged with taking
part in business activities. And according to the Russian Constitution,
Members of Parliament do not have the right to conduct business. A year later,
October 6, 1995, the State Duma terminated his parliamentary powers ahead
The arrest and trial
After the revocation of
Sergei Mavrodi’s parliamentary mandate, the investigations against him were
restarted, additionally to the existing cases there has been added one more –
fraud. He was added into the Russian and then in the international wanted list.
More than 5 years he was hiding in a rented apartment on a street, near to his
In 2003 Mavrodi was arrested.
According to the prosecutors, the damage done by MMM to millions of depositors
was estimated at $110 million. But the accusation stated that the funds were
spent solely on the MMM’s development: payments, advertising, staff salaries,
opening new offices, etc. For himself Mavrodi didn’t spend almost anything –
didn’t buy yachts, palaces, planes, etc.
The investigation lasted
3.5 years, another year was the court. On April 28, 2007 the Chertanovo
district court sentenced Sergey Mavrodi to 4.5 years in general regime penal
colony. Mavrodi was found guilty under article 159 of the Criminal Code
(fraud). As mitigating circumstances, the court took into account that the
founder of MMM had not previously been convicted and had a child to support.
The court didn’t take into account that MMM had not given any promise of rising
cost of tickets and that MMM had not signed any contracts with buyers of
tickets. And, moreover, the court didn’t not consider social problems that
"MMM" had wanted to solve by issuing tickets.
Literary Activity
After his discharge from
prison, Mavrodi got engaged into writing activities. In 2008, was released his
book “The Temptation” (other name – “Son of Lucifer”), written by him in
prison. The book consists of more than 100 short stories; each describes one of
the human vices. Sergei Mavrodi is the author of many philosophical, love and
civil poems. Some of them are turned into songs.
On the basis of the
history of the MMM-94 was shot a movie “PiraMMMida.” Sergey Mavrodi wrote
the screenplay for this movie and Universal Picture was engaged in its rental.
Revival of MMM
In February 2011 Sergey Mavrodi revived MMM.
This is not a company, not an organization, but a community of people. Mavrodi
took account of mistakes made in 1994. Money is not kept in one place. Now in
MMM there is, in principle, no money - all the money is only on participants’
accounts. MMM just connects those who want to give and receive help.
In the spring of 2011 financial analysts and
experts stated that people wouldn’t transfer money, if they were not guaranteed
that they would make a profit. But MMM was successfully launched. And now, for
more than 4 years, the Community has been successfully developing. Now MMM
unites several million participants from different countries of the world.
Sergey Mavrodi’s Quotes
“The cowardice has lots
of names. I do not fear nobody’s and no types of calls. You shouldn’t be afraid
at all, of anyone or anything. A feeling of fear humiliates. You lose
“You can betray only
that who trusts you. The worst sin – betrayal!”
“Everything has its
melting point. Friendship, loyalty, love, honor… Everything! And may God
protect you from confirming this terrible truth in practice, on people close to
you. And there are abysses where one better not look into. Since there’s
nothing else but betrayal, lies, dirt and meanness.”
“If they treat you
unfairly, humiliate you, abuse your honor and dignity – fight! By all the
available means and methods, without regard to anything and without looking
back. Defend it, your honor! At any price. Any!! They used to duel for the
honor. If you are silent and let them treat you like a dumb animal, a slave,
what are you complaining about? Slaves don’t have honor”.
“The truth is the most
improbable thing in the world. It’s almost always charmless and unpleasant.
It’s only the lie that is nice, beautiful and elegant”.
“When everything is
available you don’t want anything. There’s nothing there, on the top, there’s
vacuum. But in order to understand it – you need to visit it. So I visited it
and got to know”.
“Any promise is from
evil. Every time there’s something hided, embroidered, understated. The key
points are always highlighted in a certain way… And this is so common and
ordinary that is widely perceived by everyone as a norm. But it’s not a norm at
all – it’s a deceit in any way. And deceiving is not good. So I don’t deceive
anyone and in anything!”
“Yes, people are wicked.
But you should be kind!”
“Our world is not as
bad, hard-hearted and mercantile as many people perceive it. Is not redeemable.
And people around are not so bad. Evil has not won yet once and for all. And
fighting against it is possible and necessary!!”
“The world is bad? So,
make it better!”
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